Baby you're a firework come on let your colors burst ♥
i know its been a while.. its been a lot going on ..
but the thing is this is season for holidays..
lots of party, gifts, hugs, love ..
and finishing things to start new ones
a new year, new expectations, new goals..
12 grapes-12 wishes
good luck in your life!
cheers to the freakin weekend i drink to that yeah!
Take control of my life and wash out all the burnt taste
We say Yeah! With fists flying up in the air
some say love is not for sinners I believe that isn't true
Ours is a good story, the kind that they make movies about.
I fell in love when I was only ten years old, I know I was too young but it was real, Boys came and go but you were always my favorite, since the very first time I saw you I knew.. you were the one for me, and at the same time the one not for me.. so unreachable, so intelligent, so athetic, so handsome, you were a dream, a beautiful one, everything about you seem perfect. I felt jelous when someone else wanted you or when you were with someone else, and the truth is that you never were mine, we were only friends but that was ok with me because you visited me everyday, that was enough, then you had to leave and my world went down.. Your still not with me, your farther away than ever, but still I want you so badly it hurts.. but I hope we'll someday be .. ♥
Sucess does not happen by accident it happens by design
reality look quiet pixelliated
I was up so high lookin down at the sky
y nos hayamos encontrado en cada una de ellas.
Nos duele tanto separarnos porque nuestras almas estan unidas. Es probable que siempre lo hayan estado y que siempre lo esten. Quizas hayamos vivido mil vidas antes que esta y nos hayamos encontrado en cada una de ellas. Y hasta es posible que en cada ocasion nos hayamos separado por los mismos motivos. Eso significa que este adios es a un tiempo un adios de diez mil años y un preludio de lo que vendrá.
cuando te miro contemplo tu belleza y tu gracia y se que han crecido con cada vida que has vivido. Tambien se que te he estado buscando durante todas mis vidas anteriores. No buscaba a alguien como tu, sino a ti, pues tu alma y la mia estan destinadas a estar juntas. Y sin embargo, por razones que escapan a nuestro entendimiento, nos han obligado a despedirnos. Me gustaria decirte que todo se arreglará entre nosotros, y te prometo hacer todo lo que este en mis manos para que asi sea. Pero si no volvemos a vernos y esta es una verdadera despedida, se que nos reencontraremos en otra vida. Volveremos a encontrarnos, y aunque las estrellas hayan cambiado, no nos amaremos solo por esa vez, sino por todas las veces anteriores.
El cuaderno de Noah, Nicholas Sparks.
because 100 is not always a lucky number but certainly a happy one
This is my 100th entrance!
yes this makes me happy (: so I'll give you 100 reasons why I have been writting on "miss jean".
1.- Because I have nothing else to do
2.- Because I got to hear what others think, and let me tell you there's people weirder than me..
3.- Because this distracts me from doing my homework
4.- I got a way to tell what I feel
5.- And you people have to listen
6.- My self esteem grows
7.- I had known pretty amazing people
8.- It's cheaper than writting a book
9.- It's free actually
10.- Because I can get to talk about people and they'll never know
11.- never!
12.- Because writing my thoughts makes them seam real
13.- even my dreams
14.- I can have a nickname
15.- Even thou my real name is quiet the same
16.- almost the same
17.- my real name is jeanely
18.- Damn! I said it, now you know.
19.- And because it doesn't matter what I'm wearing I can write freely
20.- In my bed, my bathroom, the floor, anywhere..
21.- Really, ANYWHERE!
22.- and because if you write on google "miss jean" I appear
23.- and that makes me feel important
24.- ¿Have I already told you people you are awsome?
well, you are!
25.- And its an easy way to avoid reality
26.- Is this or drugs
27.- Or alcohol
28.- Ok, wait I'll go for a cigarrete
29.- Oh yes, is this or romantic dates
30.- Or going to the movies
31.- Or doing my homework
32.- or stealing people's money
33.- and it's not like I don't do that anymore
34.- not the stealing part
35.- and I can play music while I'm writing
36.- any kind of music
37.- but the thing is not all music inspires me
38.- ¿what was I talking about?
39.- you know I kind of believe in karma
40.- yeah karma's a bitch
41.- I want a pet
42.- a grand danes actually
43.- oh yes, the reasons why I love this blog
44.- Because that's the reason they invented the internet, right?
45.- and it's fun also, all your comments make me happy, so put them more often
46.- my happiness depends on you
47.- well actually that's not true
48.- I love life
49.- I believe in God
50.- um this doesnt make any sense
51.- but who cares?
52.- I really think I came to this world to make something important
53.- I know I've got the power, i believe in myself
54.- even if you guys dont
55.- and my biggest deffect?
56.- I'm a liar
57.- a good one actually
58.- ¿now what?
59.- Why am i writting this?
60.- me and my stupid ideas
61.- and I have 40 numbers left :s
62.- ¿my favorite color?
63.- green & gray
64.- ¿too sad?
65.- oh yes.. the motives..
66.- because i got to write in english, even if i suck
67.- and because writing a blog is a pretty thing to do
68.- and everyone has one
69.- and because I got to know myself, because the way I write, that's the way I am
70.- a romantic, a dreamer, a lazy person, a simple one, but quiet precious
71.- Because my followers don't judge me
72.- they just stop following me
73.- But that's ok you know, i have stoped following some other blogs
74.- but I am a good person
75.- I swear
76.- It's not like I dont like to party a lot
77.- but I mean im young and pretty
78.- I really want a pet
79.- one that I got to take to walk to the park and stuff
80.- what? i am a lazy person I never got to go walk anywhere
81.- but people im trying to change
82.- and what does sunshiny day has to do with all this
83.- well i don't know either I just love life
84.- and cigarretes
85.- I want one
86.- and because I love chissy things
87.- like staring at the moon, and kisses, and love letters and songs
88.- Because I feel guilty if I don't write
89.- Because this way I can find really cool pictures
90.- and I love to share them
91.- you know what? im kind of addicted to kisses
92.- yeeih, im almost done and i haven't said anything important
93.- ¿but what's so important about this?
94.- it's not like this is the prettiest blog ever, but hell yeah im proud of it! and it's not like I'll die if I close my blog
95.- but the thing is I don't want to because I enjoy this as much as sleeping
96.- and that's something to say because I LOVE SLEEPING
97.- and I write this blog just because I can
98.- and thank GOD I enden this list
99.- i have a bad habit of not ending things, but like I said I'm trying to change!
100.- And finally because i fucking LOVE YOU SO MUCH!
xoJEAN ♥
yes this makes me happy (: so I'll give you 100 reasons why I have been writting on "miss jean".
1.- Because I have nothing else to do
2.- Because I got to hear what others think, and let me tell you there's people weirder than me..
3.- Because this distracts me from doing my homework
4.- I got a way to tell what I feel
5.- And you people have to listen
6.- My self esteem grows
7.- I had known pretty amazing people
8.- It's cheaper than writting a book
9.- It's free actually
10.- Because I can get to talk about people and they'll never know
11.- never!
12.- Because writing my thoughts makes them seam real
13.- even my dreams
14.- I can have a nickname
15.- Even thou my real name is quiet the same
16.- almost the same
17.- my real name is jeanely
18.- Damn! I said it, now you know.
19.- And because it doesn't matter what I'm wearing I can write freely
20.- In my bed, my bathroom, the floor, anywhere..
21.- Really, ANYWHERE!
22.- and because if you write on google "miss jean" I appear
23.- and that makes me feel important
24.- ¿Have I already told you people you are awsome?
well, you are!
25.- And its an easy way to avoid reality
26.- Is this or drugs
27.- Or alcohol
28.- Ok, wait I'll go for a cigarrete
29.- Oh yes, is this or romantic dates
30.- Or going to the movies
31.- Or doing my homework
32.- or stealing people's money
33.- and it's not like I don't do that anymore
34.- not the stealing part
35.- and I can play music while I'm writing
36.- any kind of music
37.- but the thing is not all music inspires me
38.- ¿what was I talking about?
39.- you know I kind of believe in karma
40.- yeah karma's a bitch
41.- I want a pet
42.- a grand danes actually
43.- oh yes, the reasons why I love this blog
44.- Because that's the reason they invented the internet, right?
45.- and it's fun also, all your comments make me happy, so put them more often
46.- my happiness depends on you
47.- well actually that's not true
48.- I love life
49.- I believe in God
50.- um this doesnt make any sense
51.- but who cares?
52.- I really think I came to this world to make something important
53.- I know I've got the power, i believe in myself
54.- even if you guys dont
55.- and my biggest deffect?
56.- I'm a liar
57.- a good one actually
58.- ¿now what?
59.- Why am i writting this?
60.- me and my stupid ideas
61.- and I have 40 numbers left :s
62.- ¿my favorite color?
63.- green & gray
64.- ¿too sad?
65.- oh yes.. the motives..
66.- because i got to write in english, even if i suck
67.- and because writing a blog is a pretty thing to do
68.- and everyone has one
69.- and because I got to know myself, because the way I write, that's the way I am
70.- a romantic, a dreamer, a lazy person, a simple one, but quiet precious
71.- Because my followers don't judge me
72.- they just stop following me
73.- But that's ok you know, i have stoped following some other blogs
74.- but I am a good person
75.- I swear
76.- It's not like I dont like to party a lot
77.- but I mean im young and pretty
78.- I really want a pet
79.- one that I got to take to walk to the park and stuff
80.- what? i am a lazy person I never got to go walk anywhere
81.- but people im trying to change
82.- and what does sunshiny day has to do with all this
83.- well i don't know either I just love life
84.- and cigarretes
85.- I want one
86.- and because I love chissy things
87.- like staring at the moon, and kisses, and love letters and songs
88.- Because I feel guilty if I don't write
89.- Because this way I can find really cool pictures
90.- and I love to share them
91.- you know what? im kind of addicted to kisses
92.- yeeih, im almost done and i haven't said anything important
93.- ¿but what's so important about this?
94.- it's not like this is the prettiest blog ever, but hell yeah im proud of it! and it's not like I'll die if I close my blog
95.- but the thing is I don't want to because I enjoy this as much as sleeping
96.- and that's something to say because I LOVE SLEEPING
97.- and I write this blog just because I can
98.- and thank GOD I enden this list
99.- i have a bad habit of not ending things, but like I said I'm trying to change!
100.- And finally because i fucking LOVE YOU SO MUCH!
xoJEAN ♥
Whatever tomorrow brings, I'll be there with open arms and open eyes yeah
because theres always the magic of not knowing, of the unknown, and all that mistery and emptiness of the future is what makes our life exciting, because I'm certain of who am I now but I dont know who I'll be tomorrow, who I'll become.. maybe I'll change for better or for worst but I'll always be myself, so let's not waist time waiting, let's live the presente cause we are here and now, always and forever.
love, Jean.
Find your freedom in the music, find the Jesus, find your cupid.
Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars?
Yeah, I could use a dream, or a genie or a wish
To go back to a place much simpler than this
Cuz after all the partying, and the smashing and the crashing, and all the glitz and the glam, and the fashion
And all the pandemonium and all the madness
There comes a time when you fade to the blackness
If you could wish about anything, what would it be?
dame solo un beso que me alcanze hasta morir..
como un vicio que me duele quiero mirarte a los ojos
Sabes lo que me haces sentir y te encanta, casi tanto como a mi me encanta verte, casi
te aprovechas de mis sentimientos jugando con mi mente y yo me aprovecho del tenerte cerca porque se que para ti no soy nadie, pero en cambio tu para mi lo eres todo
y estoy conciente que el olvidarme de ti es utopia pura, pues tenerte en mi mente es algo permanente
y en mis sueños mas locos, nos imagino y sonrio, me encanta la idea
tu sigue asi, ya veras...j
nothing you confess can make me love you less
This is how it works
You're young until you're not
You love until you don't
You try until you can't
You laugh until you cry
You cry until you laugh
El verano termino pero saludamos ansiosos el otoño con sus colores marrones que convinan con nuestras pupilas,colores que nos acogen y nos hacen ver mejor, ansiosos pues sabemos que sera de lo mejor, nuevos comienzos, nueva vida, nuevo amor ♥MJ
You love until you don't
You try until you can't
You laugh until you cry
You cry until you laugh
El verano termino pero saludamos ansiosos el otoño con sus colores marrones que convinan con nuestras pupilas,colores que nos acogen y nos hacen ver mejor, ansiosos pues sabemos que sera de lo mejor, nuevos comienzos, nueva vida, nuevo amor ♥MJ
Impossible, maybe, but worth one last try
I adore ___________________
Love is you♥
The way you make me feel can't be compared with anything Ive felt before. All I know is you are the one, can't you see that?
"y entonces la vida es sueño y los sueños, sueños son"
De encaje la noche y a oscuras las cosas parecen que no pasan.
Pero pasan.
!Ay qué si pasan!
images from cobrasnake
F CK all I need is U ♥
I'd like to celebrate you, dear
All in all, it's been a pretty good year
I looked deep within myself
I got scared by just how hard I fell
Oh, James. You broke me, I thought I knew you well.
Oh, you had me
Honey and me, oh, sun and the moon
I'll be fine by June
I could tell that you weren't well
Oh, James. You broke me, I thought I knew you well
james - camera obscura ♥
and when it rains on this side of town it touches everything.
My favorite season: SUMMER
What I like the most about it?
vacations, hot&cold, summer love, trips, summer courses, sleeping.
What I enjoy the most?
rain :)
there are so many good things about rain
colorful umbrellas
cloudy days
water boots
the sound of water falling
the smell of wet dirt
raindrop figures
kissing in the rain ♥
We gon' party like it`s your birthday!
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