
We say Yeah! With fists flying up in the air

Like we're holding onto something
Thats invisible there,
Cuz we're living at the mercy of
The pain and the fear
Until we dead it, Forget it,
Let it all dissapear.


some say love is not for sinners I believe that isn't true

Sometimes I cry when I speak from my heart, because we all know that the heart was not made for talking it was made to love ♥


Ours is a good story, the kind that they make movies about.

I fell in love when I was only ten years old, I know I was too young but it was real, Boys came and go but you were always my favorite, since the very first time I saw you I knew.. you were the one for me, and at the same time the one not for me.. so unreachable, so intelligent, so athetic, so handsome, you were a dream, a beautiful one, everything about you seem perfect. I felt jelous when someone else wanted you or when you were with someone else, and the truth is that you never were mine, we were only friends but that was ok with me because you visited me everyday, that was enough, then you had to leave and my world went down.. Your still not with me, your farther away than ever, but still I want you so badly it hurts.. but I hope we'll someday be .. ♥

Sucess does not happen by accident it happens by design

Why is it so hard for some people and so easy for another to find their career? uuh..? why can't I just pick any from the list and stop worrying?, I guess because I dont want just to study anything, I want something I'll enjoy for the rest of my life, damn..


reality look quiet pixelliated

we can't know what life would bring us tomorrow
all I hope is everything gets ok
please Lord take care of my father :(


I was up so high lookin down at the sky

I was shooting for stars
On a Saturday night
They say what goes up
Must come down
But don’t let me fall


y nos hayamos encontrado en cada una de ellas.

Nos duele tanto separarnos porque nuestras almas estan unidas. Es probable que siempre lo hayan estado y que siempre lo esten. Quizas hayamos vivido mil vidas antes que esta y nos hayamos encontrado en cada una de ellas. Y hasta es posible que en cada ocasion nos hayamos separado por los mismos motivos. Eso significa que este adios es a un tiempo un adios de diez mil años y un preludio de lo que vendrá.
cuando te miro contemplo tu belleza y tu gracia y se que han crecido con cada vida que has vivido. Tambien se que te he estado buscando durante todas mis vidas anteriores. No buscaba a alguien como tu, sino a ti, pues tu alma y la mia estan destinadas a estar juntas. Y sin embargo, por razones que escapan a nuestro entendimiento, nos han obligado a despedirnos. Me gustaria decirte que todo se arreglará entre nosotros, y te prometo hacer todo lo que este en mis manos para que asi sea. Pero si no volvemos a vernos y esta es una verdadera despedida, se que nos reencontraremos en otra vida. Volveremos a encontrarnos, y aunque las estrellas hayan cambiado, no nos amaremos solo por esa vez, sino por todas las veces anteriores.

El cuaderno de Noah, Nicholas Sparks.